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Popular review Intel-Based Orange Gigabyte Phone

The majority phones include gigabytes Intel-Based Orange Gigabyte Phone. Europe’s first Intel-powered smartphone, apparently, is done by one-according to research firm Informa, it’s manufactured by Taiwanese company Gigabyte, unfamiliar outside Asia like a smartphone maker. I spent a while using new smartphone at Mobile World Congress.

orange gigabyte intel phone
I’m ripping via a large amount of phones today, and there is not very much to be said about almost all of the body designs. The Orange* phone (that is what the booth called it) is the one other black rectangle with rounded corners, having a screen around the front and camera for the back. Its 123* 63* 9.9mm (HWD) and fits easily inside hand. It won’t break your wallet, but neither is it breaking any slimness records. It’s light at 120g, and runs cool regardless if pumping out HD video or perhaps a game through its HDMI connection onto a big-screen TV. The phone supports Intel’s Wi-Di wireless display technology, too, which means you are able to play games on the hd over Wi-Fi.

he phone features a 1024-by-600-pixel, 4-inch screen and a 1460mAh battery. There’s an 8-megapixel camera on the back and a 1.3-megapixel camera on the front, and all powered by the 1.6 GHz Intel Medfield processor with a 400MHz GPU. According to its settings screen, the phone had a surprisingly slim 2GB of storage, and also a 16GB Files.
Let’s establish that merely producing a slim, functional Android 2.3 smartphone that’s neither chunky nor running hot is a large leap forward for Intel. What does the Orange phone provides for the party that we haven’t seen before? Intel showed me a few demos to offer us a hint.

Probably the most impressive demo was in the camera’s burst mode. The Orange* phone took ten, 8-megapixel photos in 0.7 seconds. That’s fast, and shows impressive image processing chops. The phone even offers an incredibly quick HDR mode to handle backlit photos, like HTC’s brand new one line does.

I managed to get to check out some games, too. One of several ubiquitous Requirement of Speed games played very smoothly, with great atmospheric and collision effects.

We’re seeing most of these features on ARM-based phones at the same time, of course. Nvidia’s Tegra 3 powers some awesome gaming effects, and HTC’s Image Sense appears to have fast camera capability down-the two features come together inside the international version from the HTC One X. But Intel is, obviously, promising to accomplish them better, faster and cooler.

Nvidia’s Tegra 3 is a quad-core chipset. Medfield is single-core. This just proves that you can’t use either clock speeds or number of cores to spell it out phone performance any further.

When I got hold of the phone myself, things didn’t go entirely smoothly. I tried to play Fruit Ninja, plus it crashed. But that’s par for your course with trade show demos, and I’m hesitant to say it is a problem with the phone. It highlighted, however, how game-makers are going to need to optimize some games for Intel. Back at CES, Intel reps declared not all games designed for current Android phones, which may have ARM processors, will are powered by Intel without tweaking.

Hopefully, at this afternoon’s Intel keynote, we’ll learn more.


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