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Popular Nokia 808 PureView the Lumia 610

Nokia these days introduced the 808 PureView and the Lumia 610. The 808 is a digital camera-centricSymbian phone even though the Lumia 610 can be an affordable Windows 7 Phone.
808 PureView
The massive deal regarding the 808 PureView is actually its 41-megapixel sensor. No, that’s not a typo. Like most high-end Nokia phones, the 808 utilizes Carl Ziess optics along with a new pixel oversampling technology. You don’t need to use all 41 pixels inside your photos; you could switch among regular resolutions like 2/3, 5, and 8-megapixels. But getting those added megapixels signifies you may capture a picture, zoom in, reframe, and crop without having any noise or pixilation. In case you so want, you’ll be able to shoot images in as much as 38-megapixels maximum, but great luck uploading those pictures more than a 3G network.
I saw a fast demo in the 808 doing his thing and was impressed with how clean the photographs looked. Even low light photos looked very good and lacked the noise and fuzziness that other phone cameras have problems with in dark environments.
The 808 PureView even offers Dolby Digital Plus, so it is possible to watch films in multichannel surround sound. I demoed Dolby Digital Plus lately and enjoyed getting able to watch (and hear) films as if I was watching them on the significant screen. The one downside for the 808 Pureview is the fact that it runs Symbian, which is not my favored mobile OS. Even with an innovative phone like the 808, Symbian feels stale, dated, and hard to utilize.
Lumia 610
The Lumia 610 is targeted toward a younger audience with social networking-centric capabilities. The Lumia 610 features a one of a kind look using a curvy, metallic style. Such as the Lumia 710, it’s available in enjoyable, vivid colors like cyan and magenta (also as black).
The Lumia 610 runs a special discharge of Windows Phone 7 that supports lower memory and processing requirements on phones. By lowering these specs, Nokia brings the Lumia 610 inexpensively to industry. The Nokia Lumia 610 is expected to ship in Q2.
When it comes to initial impressions, the Lumia 610 feels a whole lot just like the 710. Inside my quick practical, I didn’t notice any sluggishness that a single could ordinarily see having a lower-clocked processor. Windows Phone nevertheless feels light and responsive as it does for the Lumia 710. The design is quite eye-catching I can undoubtedly find it popular with teenagers.


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