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How to permanently delete my Facebook account ?

[stextbox id="info" caption="How do I permanently delete my account ?"]How do I permanently delete my account?[/stextbox]

If you disable your facebook account from your Security Settings page, your profile (timeline) and all in sequence related with it disappears from the Facebook service instantly. People on Facebook will not be able to search for you or view any of your information.
delete facebook account
In case you want to return to Facebook at some point, we save your profile (timeline) information (friends, photos, interests, etc.) so that your account will look presently the way it did when you left. A bunch of people deactivate their accounts for temporary reasons and expect their profiles (timelines) to be there when they return to the service.
If you do not believe you will use Facebook again and would like your account deleted, keep in brain that you will not be able to reactivate your account or retrieve any of the substance or information you have added. If you would like your account permanently deleted with no option for recovery, log in to your account and then submit your request here.
If you are at present unable to access your account, you will need to reset your password in order to log in. with the intention of do so, click the “Forgot your password?” link that appears more than the field where you would normally enter your password. Once you have followed the commands to reset your password and can log in, you can deactivate or delete your account using the steps outlined above.


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