Latest Update Of News, Exam Results, Exam Schedule, Job Recruitment, Gadget, Technology, Software, Mobile, Internet, Laptop, Car, Bike, Bollywood And Some Useful Tips & Tricks. – TNTET Re Exam/Supplementary Result 2012 – TNTET Re Exam/Supplementary Result 2012  :
Teachers Recruitment Board will soon going to declare TNTET Re Exam Resullt 2012 or TNTET Supplementary Exam Results 2012 on it’s official website at
Countdown has been begun as results can be declared anytime by Tamilnadu TRB. Supplementary exam for all those candidates who failed to crack main exam has been held on 14th October 2012 as another chance so that more n more candidates can take advantages of it and try to make their future bright.
As per the news there are more than half million aspirants prospects have appeared for this exam so we can expect that this declaration either can make them future or can spoil as well but we hope ALL IZZ WELL.
Right now there is no news related to this announcement as no official notice has been issued yet by TRB on their main portal site but we can expect that they should declare it either last week of November or starting in December 2012.
So we advise you that you should visit our page regularly or can check out official site for latest news and fresh updates related to this so just click on link given below and of course whenever results will be declared then first of all place there as well.
So we wish you all the best your bright future and if you have any query related to this then don’t forget to share it with us through comment box below.


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