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IT experts advices Business firms of the world to use FOSS

Open Source software or those software which are available for free along with the source code and can be edited as per the need and can be redistributed to any one in the world. Generally open source software’s are developed with a motto of public welfare and some times they are just developed as part of college project.
Well talking about the software developers market, IT Experts from  all over the world have advised the Business firms of all over the world that they should try to replace the paid software’s in their offices with the free and open source software. This advice was given after the end of three days FOSS (Free and Open source software) meet.
According to IT Experts at  present the economy of all the major countries of the world are suffering from recession. In such condition Business firms instead of cutting out  the count of staff should follow different measures like using open source software instead of paid ones. In this way they can reduce the  cost bearing over them.
In the FOSS international conference it was all clear that usage of FOSS instead of paid software can be beneficial in lot many ways to the Government or non governmental offices or business firms who are adopting it. The main benefit of FOSS is that its available for free so an high amount can be saved from being invested for buying the software license.  Instead the firm can use the same money for the welfare of the employees of the Industry or Office.
Well if we think out in broad minded way FOSS is really an great option for cutting out the cost wherever software’s are used for the processing of information or developing of any stuff related to it. Also the benefits of FOSS are like the office or firm can modify it according to their need at a low cost.
So what do you think about FOSS ? Do you believe usage of FOSS can cutoff the making charge of any industry ? Comment your views below


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