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GTU changed grading systems –

GTU changed grading systems – :
There is a very very good news comes from GTU that from now on wards GTU evaluation systems changed. This is a huge relief for all those students who are taking education under the hood of GTU. From now it will be easy for students to get first class in annual exams.
Now GTU changed first class grade from 6.75 to 6.5 point. But as per the rules of AICTE first class is only given to those students who got 6.75 points and performance of last two years were given more consideration. Now SPI (semester performing index) and CPI (calculative performance index) will be considered on base of four semester only.
Before GTU was calculate grade base on performance in over all semesters while now it has changed to last four semster for both Diploma students as well as degree students. So now students have benefits of 0.25 points and chances of getting first class are more.
I remember that while i entered in Diploma in 2007-08, government of Gujarat just hand over it’s all technical department to GTU and at that time it’s to tough to get first class in annual exams but still i can manage to do that.
At that time other rules was that if any student got more than 4 backlogs (ATKT) including both semester in which he/she studying then he/she got detained immediately and he/she has to seat home up to next semester not started. While in TEB board the rules was that students not got detained until he/she got 18 backlogs (ATKT) during whole course.
We thought that that was such a nice rules but we are wrong at that time because after all technical education hand over to GTU the level of technical education is increase and also the value of students who completed degree or diploma under GTU is also increased so this is a huge benefit for us.
But over all this evaluation system changed definitely benefits for students as from now students got more first class and he/she got direct placements in campus interview immediately so we can say that GTU did very good job by changing this system.


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