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IIM CAT Results 2012-2013 – – IIM Common Admission Test

IIM CAT Results 2012-2013 – –  IIM Common Admission Test :
Indian Institutes of Management will soon going to declare IIM CAT Results 2012-2013 or Common Admission Test(CAT) 2012 Results  on it’s official website at for all those prospects who have appeared in it.
Countdown has begun for this huge announcement of CAT 2012 results as till midnight it will be made available to check out from online by Indian Institutes of Management on it’s main portal site as well as on all the official websites of IIMs.
To save server from being crashed, IIMs every year publish results at a stroke of midnight but these are students man they don’t take breath of relief until they get their results :P
Well approximately 2 Lakh students are hoping to get through in this test and make sure their way to get admission into various post graduate management courses in any of the IIM but this will remain suspense until officials haven’t been announced it.
Officials are all set to announce it as most of the work like paper checking along with database creation for marks has been done and now infect officials don’t have access to it.
As per the CAT Conveyor Mr. SSS Kumar said in a statement, “Yes, after days of preparing for the results and other related activities that took up so much of the time, the results are now ready. I do not have access to the scores anymore.”
CAT is a admission test or entrance test conducted by IIMs based on computer test on basis of Quantitative Ability, Data Interpretation, Verbal Ability and Logical Reasoning. CAT is the third most toughest test in India after UPSC’s IES being first and then Joint entrance examination of Indian Institute of Technology at second position.
This examination is conducted for the purpose to choose right, bright and talented students who can take challenge to study under the tough guidelines of IIMs which is conducted every year by one of the rotation policy of the IIMs.
So let’s just pray for best for all who have attended CAT and we advise you to don’t be afraid, be calm, stay relax and enjoy as much as you can so that fear of CAT can’t harass and morale of yourself won over it :D
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