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Tips to keep yourself Safe in the World of Facebook

The count of users of Facebook are increasing day by day, and as we all know where there is fame the Culprits do get attracted to attack. Same has happened with Facebook as the Number of users have increased to Millions today Facebook is being targeted by millions of People. Spammers and Hackers all ways try to  Attack on Facebook profiles. So today we are going to Represent you with some tips so that you can protect yourself in the World of Facebook.
Below are the list of some of the best Security Measure you should follow to protect yourself in Facebook world :
  • Logon to your Facebook profile from any of the Computer device only if you feel safe there. If you are logging on to Facebook from public computer like cyber cafe do check out that the Cafe is licensed and is trust able.
  • Check out your privacy setting of Facebook  profile are up to the mark or not. If you have sensible data about yourself on Facebook its always advisable to mark up the Facebook Security settings up-to the mark.
  • Whenever you get Friendship request from known or unknown person first of all check it out manually whether the profile is representing some one original or is just an fake one. Always try to avoid adding unknown and strangers into your friend list.
    • Whenever you are confused about the privacy setting always try to enable them out and checkout what the change happens and enable or disable the option accordingly.
    • When you have done with your work on Facebook never ever forget to log out from it. If you do not logout some one else using the same PC may access your profile.
    • When ever you are giving access to any of the Games or Application do take care that you are that you are not giving access to any spam Games or Application. Its better to stay away from Facebook apps and games as much as possible.


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