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How to keep your self safe while doing online banking?

These days website hacking has become an usual thing even tough the web security has increased a lot but along with this Hackers have also developed themselves a lot. In recent large numbers of bank accounts and credit cards have been hacked. So its all a must for you to take some basic security measures if you are using online banking facility or using credit cards for online payments.
Below we are going to list out some basic security measures so that you can keep your self safe and secure online while doing bank transfers and using credit cards.
How to keep your self safe while doing onlinene banking?
  • Check your bank and credit card statements regularly and if you find any suspicious activity in them do report them to your bank.
  • Avoid using online banking and credit card payments while surfing from public computers like cybercafe, library, etc. Such Computers are always affected by malwares and spywares and many times do have key loggers in them.
  • Always try to use virtual keyboard while entering your password to logon into your bank account. This way you can protect your password from being theft by key loggers.
  • Always try to update your anti virus regularly and if you do not have any anti virus installed in your PC first of all install an good branded anti virus in it preferably which have internet security option.
    • Along with updating your antivirus software do not forget to update your Operating systems and browsers which you are using for the online banking. Try to avoid using pirated operating  systems because many times they do contain spywares into them.
    • If you are getting some emails saying please enter your bank account details or credit card numbers for security check so that you can win prizes always avoid responding such emails. Because most of the times they are spam emails generated to hack the bank account of peoples.
    • If your bank account have facility for mobile notification via sms then do activate such facility so that whenever any transaction is done in your account you do get notification for it. In this way you can keep an eye on your bank account.
    Still if you have any more query then do not forget to comment your query below. We will surely sort it out.


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