Recently the trending buzz in the market was all about the Siri an Intelligent personal assistant App in iOS 5. Siri had the functionality that the owner of the iPhone can make out his work with the help of Siri. Due the better end facility provided by Apple in iPhone 5, Apple had got great level of success in the market of smart phone.
Now the trending buzz in the market from the rumors says that Google is all set to launch Apple Siri rival which is at present code named as Majel. According to the rumors Majel has been developed by the engineers of Google’s X laboratory. Google has plans to release out the app by the end of this year our in the beginning of the Next year.
Well the market report says that Majel has been developed out from the Google app for voice search. The app had the functionality to search on google what ever the phone owner speaks in front of the Phone. Majel will be the advance version of the same having high end functionality into it.
Majel will be working almost similar to Siri, where the person who uses the smart phone has to give out command in form of keyword in his voice. Reports also reveal that Majel will be having female voice almost similar to the voice command on the ship star trek. Taking it to higher level Majel will support touch along with voice where the siri lacks behind.
Talking about the present market condition, Apple has already announced that within few time newer version of Siri will be launched into the market which will be having better functionality then the present. Well at present Android market is all flooded with tons of App working similar to Siri but doesn’t have functionality almost similar to Siri.
Well nothing has been officially announced by Google about Majel but its all clear from the Rumors that Google is cooking something hard and fast in the kitchen to fight against Siri.
What do you feel about it ? Is Google really cooking some thing named as Majel in its Tech kitchen ? Comment your view below.
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